
8 kg of potatoes2 potatoes
4 medium lettuce2 lettuce leaves
2 kg fresh or 2 kg dry onions2 fresh or 1 dry onion
2 medium leeks½ medium leek
2 kg of carrots2 carrots
a handful of celerya little celery
1 kg of pasta (spaghetti of various shapes, cut pasta, manestras, etc.) 1 cup of brown pasta, (spaghetti of various shapes, cut pasta, manestras, etc.)
1 ½ kg of oil1 cup of brown oil
1 kg lemon juicea little lemon juice
5 kg of various vegetables, a few of each of your choice (cauliflower, chard, cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, zucchini, etc.)200 lbs, various vegetables, a few of each of our choice (cauliflower, chard, cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, zucchini, etc.)


1.Wash, clean, wash and cut all the ingredients into small cubes.
2.In a bowl, add all the chopped ingredients and the oil.
3.Add water, just enough to cover.
4.Put the pot on the fire and let them boil well, for about an hour.
5.When they boil, add the pasta of your choice if you wish.
6.Allow another ten minutes and add the salt and lemon juice.
7.Stir, taste and serve.
9.At the end you can blend some boiled material in a blender with the oil to thicken it.
10.When you want it unlubricated, then do not add the oil and at the end, add the tahini corresponding to the amount of material, mixing well.
11.If we add pasta we must be aware that the longer it is left, the more it bubbles and the more the soup thickens and loses its fluidity.
12.In this case we can add hot water and the appropriate seasonings (salt, etc.).