
9 kg diced potatoes ½ kg diced potatoes
3 kg chopped onions1 chopped onion
3 kg of diced carrots2 diced carrots
2 tablespoons parsley, finely choppeda little parsley, finely chopped
2 wine glasses of mint, finely choppedlittle mint, finely chopped
1 teaspoon of fine saltfine salt
1 kg of an optional pasta (barley, spaghetti, rice, rice pudding, etc.)1 wine glass of tahini
1 kilo of tahinia little lemon juice
2 water glasses of lemon juicewater, as needed


1.Clean, wash and cut all the ingredients into small cubes.
2.Pour all the ingredients into the appropriate container, except the pasta.
3.Add water until they are well covered.
4.Place the pot on the heat and let them boil well, about an hour.
5.When they boil, add the pasta, if desired, salt and lemon juice.
6.Remove from the heat and while stirring constantly, slowly add the tahini like a thin thread and keep it flowing until the end.
7.Taste the flavor, correct and serve warm.
9.When you want it oily, add the oil before it boils well and omit the tahini at the end.
10.If you add some pasta, then you need to know that the longer it stays, the more it absorbs the liquid and the more your soup thickens and loses its fluidity.
11.In this case we can add hot water and dilute it.