
250 g of oil
1 kilo of seed oil
2 kg of all-purpose flour
10 kg of milk (if it's cans of evaporated milk and another 10 kg of lukewarm water).
¼ teaspoon of salt
30 eggs
½ kg of sugar
2 ½ kg of leaves (crust)
2 lemons
3 vanillas
cinnamon 200 g or icing sugar


1.In a bowl, pour the seed oil.
2.Add the flour and mix quickly, with a wooden spoon, so that it does not clump.
3.In another pot we have already added the milk, salt, sugar, whole lemons, cut lemons and eggs and after beating the mixture well, keep it warm.
4.When the flour and oil have been thoroughly cooked, pour the milk mixture into the pan and stir constantly until it thickens.
5.Let it boil over low heat as much as possible, without sticking, and remove from the heat.
6.Let it boil over low heat as much as possible, without sticking and remove it from the heat.Add the vanilla, mix well, remove the two lemons, being careful not to let them dissolve and the cream is already ready to use.
7.Grease the appropriate pans and lay at least 5 sheets underneath, with the edges protruding from the pan to create the crust (to make the turn).
8.When placing each sheet, grease it well with a hand-wetter or a brush to prevent it from sticking.
9.Divide the cream evenly between the baking sheets, turning the edges of the sheets to create a mound.
10.Drizzle the surface with a little oil and bake at 180o for about an hour.
11.When you take the pans out of the oven, sprinkle with cinnamon or powdered sugar if you like.
12.Cut into 200 small squares or diamond-shaped pieces and serve hot or cold, depending on your preferences.
14.The thickness of the pie should not exceed 3 inches, because it will not bake well.
15.If the leaves are handmade then the success of the pie will be perfect.