
For the dough:For the dough:
8 kg of cashews, at least 3 types of cheese (gouda, graviera, cottage cheese, etc.)700 g of cashews, at least 3 types of cheese (gouda, graviera, cottage cheese, etc.)
30 eggs, optional3 eggs, optional
salt as neededsalt as needed.
1 sachet of baking powdera little baking powder.
2 tablespoons grated nutmega little grated nutmeg
2 teaspoons mint, finely choppedlittle mint, finely chopped
For shaping:For shaping:
The white, only, of 50 eggsThe white, only, of 4 eggs
2 kg breadcrumbs, grateda little breadcrumbs, grated
2 teaspoons of chopped parsley, for garnisha little chopped parsley, for garnish


1.In a separate bowl, mix and knead all the ingredients, except the ones for rolling.
2.It should become a stiff dough, which should be left in the refrigerator for at least 2-3 hours to firm up better.
3.Then shape small croquettes of your choice, dipping your hand in water every now and then to prevent it from sticking.
4.Beat the egg whites well to dissolve them and pour them into a baking pan to be spread out.
5.In another baking pan, add the breadcrumbs.
6.As you form one ball at a time, drop it into the egg whites so that they are wrapped in egg white all over their surface.
7.Then take the balls and dip them in the breadcrumbs and place them in a clean baking pan until fried.
8.Then take the balls and dip them in the breadcrumbs and place them in a clean baking pan until they are golden brown, about 1 minute.
9.Served hot with chopped parsley.